Film night with meal

It was so good to see the hall comfortably full with people enjoying a lovely meal, followed by the film, 'Yesterday'

We are very grateful to Sarah Heard for doing the lion's share of the cooking for the first course, which was a very special cottage pie with a crunchy potato and parsnip topping.

Many thanks to the rest of the hall committee who prepared the tables, provided a great selection of delicious desserts, and worked very hard clearing up after the event.

A special thank you to our sound engineer, Rob Swan, for providing some top quality speakers and supervising our novice projectioner!

Andy Kilbride very kindly acted as chauffeur for a group from Wiveliscombe.

it was lovely to experience a very normal, relaxed social experience, after two years of restrictions.

We are delighted to announce that we raised £375 profit for the hall funds.

Posted by Liz Kilbride on February 26th 2022

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